Strategic Retreat for Government Payroll Management System Held
A two Day Payment Transition Management Retreat bringing together over thirty payroll technicians and analysts from the Civil Service Agency (CSA) and the Ministry of Finance and…
“Even Public Sector Is required to provide top-notch Service Delivery” – CSA’s Staffs being…
In continuance with the Career Management and Training Directorate's topical presentation session at regular senior staff meetings, staff walked through on the provision of…
As CSA seeks Training for Spending Entities of Government, Providers want merit-based Participation
The Civil Service Agency (CSA), central government Human Resource Management Organ vested with the responsibility to recruit the best for the public sector, is making frantic…
A Joint High-power Delegation of Nigeria paid a One-day Working Visit to the CSA
A Delegation comprised of the National Salaries, Income & Wages Commission directly under the Nigerian Presidency; and senior Management from the Nigeria Port Authority on…
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Benefits from LPA Scheme Procedural Training
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its Focal Team on the Government of Liberia’s LPA Scheme, today, underwent a One-day Procedural Training.
Hon. Thelma E. Duncan Sawyer…