Liberia Celebrates National Identification Day: Strengthening ID System in National Development

Robert Serge Saint- Pé

On September 16, 2024, Liberia joined the global community in commemorating National Identification Day under the theme “Celebrating the Right to Be Visible.” Held at Monrovia City Hall, the event was organized by the National Identification Registry (NIR) and brought together key stakeholders, government officials, and international partners, reaffirming the country’s commitment to building a reliable and inclusive identification system.

The highlight of the event was the keynote address delivered by Hon. Josiah F. Joekai, Jr., Director-General of the Civil Service Agency (CSA), who represented His Excellency President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr. In his address, Hon. Joekai emphasized the transformative role identification plays in Liberia’s growth and development. He noted, “History has shown us that identity plays a crucial role in the development of any country. For Liberia, the importance of identification cannot be overstated.”

Liberia’s journey towards a robust national identification system has been marked by key milestones, particularly with the establishment of the NIR. The NIR, in collaboration with developmental partners, and international organizations, has been working to ensure that every citizen and resident is registered in a secure and comprehensive database. The system is designed to improve service delivery, enhance national security, and promote financial inclusion for all Liberians.

Hon. Joekai stressed the benefits of a reliable identification system, not only for individuals but for the government as well. He explained that with such a system, Liberia would be better equipped to provide social services, plan development programs, and identify security risks. “With a reliable identification system, we can ensure that every Liberian has access to basic social services and financial inclusion,” he said asserted.

The NIR’s efforts to create a legal identity for all citizens align with the global vision outlined in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 16.9, which seeks to provide legal identity for everyone by 2030. Hon. Joekai called for continuous support from Liberia’s development partners, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in achieving this goal. “We cannot achieve the goal of a reliable identification system without the support and cooperation of our development partners,” he further noted.

In addition to the keynote address, the program featured the certification of NIR ID ambassadors and special remarks from prominent figures, including Hon. Andrew Peters, Executive Director of the NIR; Hon. Richard F. Ngafuan, Director-General of the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) and Co-Chair of the NIR Board; and Hon. Crayton Duncan, Senator of Sinoe County. Each of these dignitaries reiterated the significance of a functional identification system and its potential to drive national progress.

Hon. Joekai also underscored the government’s commitment to ensuring that the national identification system respects privacy and human rights. He emphasized that as Liberia moves toward digitizing its identification processes, protecting citizens’ data and maintaining privacy standards will be top priorities.

The event concluded with a call for continuous support from all stakeholders to ensure that Liberia remains on track to achieving universal legal identity. As the country continues its journey toward a more inclusive and reliable identification system, National Identification Day served as a powerful reminder of the vital role identity plays in empowering individuals and fostering national development.

Through the collaborative efforts of the NIR and its partners, Liberia is making significant strides toward ensuring that every citizen is seen, recognized, and able to participate fully in the nation’s socio-economic development.

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