CSA Chairs Public Administration Sectorial Engagement Meeting for Inclusive Development

Dioda Wreh-Seekey

The Civil Service Agency (CSA) took the helm in chairing a noteworthy Public Administration Sectoral Engagement on Monday, July 23, 2024. The focus of this meeting was Liberia’s aspiring ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development (AAID), which was officially launched on July 18, 2024 by His Excellency President, Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr.

The ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development outlines holistic five-year medium term strategic development plan under the leadership of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., taking effect from 2025 to 2029. It incorporates a national development plan, a sector strategic goal and investment plan, and specific county development agendas tailored for each of Liberia’s fifteen counties under the mantra of the Boakai-Koung Administration called the ARREST Agenda. Entities in this sector include the following:

  1. The National Legislature
  2. Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs
  3. Office of the Vice President
  4. General Services Agency
  5. Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism
  6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  7. Liberia Institute of Public Administration
  8. Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services
  9. Bureau of State Enterprise
  10. Mano River Union
  11. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
  12. Liberia Revenue Authority
  13. Board of Tax Appeals
  14. National Food Assistance Agency and
  15. Civil Service Agency


Agriculture: Enhancing productivity, promoting sustainable practices, and supporting farmers.

Roads: Improving transportation infrastructure to connect communities and facilitate economic growth.

Rule of Law: Fostering respect for the rule of law and ensuring justice and closure.

Education: strengthening educational systems and ensuring access to quality education.

Sanitation: Enhancing health of sanitation for the population and promoting wellness amongst the citizens and residents alike.

Tourism: Harnessing Liberia’s enormous tourism potentials and exploring new potentials for diversifying incomes.

The CSA-chaired sectoral meeting was intended to bring stakeholders from the Public Administration Sector in line, foster collaboration, and ensure effective implementation of the AAID across various sectors.

CSA’s Deputy Director-General, Hon. Darlington A.P. Smith, who represented Hon. Josiah F. Joekai, Jr., Director-General of the Agency at the opening of the meeting, said the Civil Service Agency takes keen interest in this highly strategic nature of gathering, thereby calling on all invited stakeholders to come up with development-driven ideas for the success of the government and Liberia.

Hon. Smith, in conclusion, emphasized that as Liberia embarks on this developmental journey, the CSA remains committed to being deeply involved as both the human resource management and policy machinery of government.

The Civil Service Agency, by law, is the central human resource management Agency for the government of Liberia. Its role is to manage and/or supervise the employment processes within the civil service as well as play a decisive role in shaping public administration policies, promoting efficiency, and ensuring a skilled and motivated civil service workforce.