CMTD Certifies 16 Staff Following Intensive Training Program

Dioda Wreh-Seekey

Monrovia, Liberia: The Civil Service Agency (CSA) successfully completed an intensive three-day training program for sixteen of its internal staff, culminating in a certification ceremony held on Friday, May 17, 2024. The training, organized by the Career Management and Training Division (CMTD) of the Agency, focused on enhancing professional skills across various critical areas.

Participants received certificates for their completion of courses in Rules of Law, Public Administration, Time Management, Team Building, Proposal Writing, Emotional Intelligence, Customer Service Management, and Change in the Workplace. The training aimed to bolster the staff’s capabilities and prepare them for more efficient service delivery.

Mr. Claudius Broderick, Director of the CMTD, provided an overview of the training. He emphasized that the training was designed to offer comprehensive education in multiple disciplines, ensuring that participants could cultivate a well-rounded professional development. “This training has equipped our staff with essential skills that will aid them in creating a balanced and effective professional career,” Broderick remarked.

During the ceremony, the CSA Director-General, Hon. Josiah F. Joekai Jr., highlighted the importance of the training for capacity building within the civil service. He noted that such programs are integral to the Agency’s mission to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of civil servants. “By investing your time and effort in this training program, you have not only enriched your own skill set but also contributed to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Civil Service,” Hon. Joekai stated.

He further reiterated that the training was part of a broader strategy to provide continuous professional development opportunities for civil servants across various sectors.

Rookie Tarnue from the Asset Unit of the CSA shared his positive experience, noting significant improvements in his work quality and productivity thanks to the advanced techniques in emotional intelligence management learned during the training. “This training has been an eye-opener for me. I am grateful to the CSA and the CMTD for this opportunity,” Tarnue expressed.

The CSA’s commitment to ongoing professional development ensures that civil servants are well-prepared to meet the demands of their roles, ultimately enhancing public service delivery. The success of this training program underscores the agency’s dedication to fostering a skilled and effective workforce.