Civil Servants Receive Certification After Internal Microsoft Computer Training

Dioda Wreh-Seekey

In a brief and rewarding ceremony, the Civil Service Agency (CSA) certificated staff participants who efficaciously completed a three-week intensive Microsoft Computer Training meant to enhance their digital skills and proficiency in Windows, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS Excel.

Kumba Zota-Kaidii, Assistant Director of Career Management and Training Division, CSA, gave an overview of the training program. She stated that the certificate program aimed to provide comprehensive training on the various applications within Microsoft Office Suite, adding that participants have learned how to create professional documents in Word, analyze data, create charts in Excel, and design appealing presentations in PowerPoint. She also stated that participants should value the addition of the certificates as it will demonstrate computer proficiency on their individual resumes in terms of receiving promotions or increasing their employability.

In special remarks, the Director-General of the CSA, Hon. James A. Thompson, expressed his gratitude towards the participants and the training team, stating, “Today marks a significant milestone in your professional journey. One of our agency’s sole responsibilities is to make sure civil servants are trained to be more efficient in their area of work. By investing your time and effort in this training program, you have not only enriched your own skillset but also contributed to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Civil Service”.

The Director-General cautioned the awardees to use their new skills for growth and provide substantiality in their interactions with customer service.

Several participants shared their experiences and how the training had already begun to benefit their work within the civil service.

Tina Willie-Zioh, one of the participants from the Communications Unit, noted, “This training has been an eye-opener for me. I have already seen how the advanced techniques in Microsoft Office have improved my productivity and the quality of my work. I am grateful to the CSA and the CMTD for this opportunity, but I would appreciate it if they would provide more time for such a training process.”

Jesse Sonpon, Administrative Assistant, another participant from the HR Division, said that the training has provided him with basic computer skills, which he believes will enable him to be more proficient and proactive in filling out his performance management service assessment form. He also encouraged other staff to prioritize the opportunity provided for such training, as it will greatly build and improve their individual computer skills.

Mr. Alfred Drosaye, Principal Administrative Officer (PAO) of the Agency, said in his welcoming remarks that the skills acquired by the participants are an important component that is needed for their individual developmental process. He also commended the participants for dedicating their time to acquiring something new and beneficial to their own personal growth and encouraged them to use those skills to be more self- and group-effective.

Deputy Director-General for Human Resource Management and Policy, CSA, Hon. Onikeh Smythe-Jackson, who carried out the certification, encouraged awardees to keep acquiring necessary knowledge for personal as well as institutional development.

Also rendering words of encouragement to the participants were Mr. Alexander Bassey, Director for the Human Resource Management and Information Services Division, CSA, and Mr. Aaron Woods, acting Director of the Strategic Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation Division, CSA.

Participants, drawn from various divisions of the agency, were: Joyce D. Doe, Judy K. Fallah, from the Welfare Services Division; Mike T. Jasay, Jesse Sonpon, and Zinah Marshall from the HR Division; and Tresser Wolo, Gbor V. Johns, Garmondeh Zekieh, Frances R. Grimes, and Misheal B. Hoff from the HRMIS Division. The rest were Edward Walter Kollie from the MSD; Rookie T. Karnue from the General Administration and Finance Division; and Uriah Rico Daniels Innis from the Career Management and Training Division.

The Career Management and Training Division, an integral part of the CSA responsible for the professional development of civil servants, embarked on this specialized training initiative in collaboration with information and communications technology (ICT) to empower employees with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their roles.